19 April 2006


overheard today:

"I mean, like I know it's a 400-level class and all, but can you believe he gave me such a bad grade? His comments were all 'use vocab appropriate for an upper-level course.' Like big words are such a big deal?" hmm. gosh, what is the, like, big deal?

observation today:

if you are one who studies the profession or duties of an accountant, you are an accountancy major. not an accounting major. accounting is the action of keeping financial accounts. yup. there is a difference.


Blogger stella said...

So? What's the big deal if they don't know what their major is? I mean, is it really so bad if I thought I was an England major as an undergrad? You killjoy!

You were a creation written major, right Inga?

8:36 AM  

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