18 April 2006

things observed on tuesday morning

oprah and dr. robin on oprah this morning compared a silly blond 24-year old's obsession with dressing like a celebrity (and having to buy that designer bag so the sorority girls will like her!) to someone with a crack addiction. dr. robin suggests the silly 24-year old sell off all her material possessions to pay off her debt, but they all agreed that girlie giving up her possessions is a lot like a crack addict giving up the pipe.


but here's a shout out to mary j.! as found on salon.com this morning ~
Mary J. Blige on God's plan for her: "My God is a God who wants me to have things. He wants me to bling. He wants me to be the hottest thing on the block."

rock on sister. if there is a god, i want mary j.'s! my number 1 girl crush is gwen stefani, but mary j. just might be running a close second.

oh, more oprah ~ a suburban mom admits that her happy marriage is a sham! she and her husband have intimacy problems! y gads! stop the freakin' presses!

i hate oprah. but hey ~ if i can give up the crack pipe, i can surely give up the oprah.


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