31 October 2006

just goes to show 'good' means something different to everyone.

so stella's postings of food pics from japan reminded me how much i love the bento box. awhile ago, a friend of ours left to teach in japan (not dev). this friend sent stella and me each a super cute bento box, thus my love affair w/ the bentos began. i even found this great site online where a japanese mom took photos of her daugher's lunch in a bento every day and posted them. last night i tried to find it, but alas could not.

what i did find was a blog where some lady makes vegan lunches in a bento box for her kid every day and then posts photos. okay, cool. same thing, right?

well. not really. i mean, the food cut into cutesy shapes was the same, as was the selection of fun-colored food and the pretty placement of said food the boxes. but whereas the japanese mom made things such as rice balls shaped like Hello Kitty and chicken strips molded to look like a flowering ginko tree, vegan-mom's fare is much more...eclectic. sure, sure, she had photos of whole wheat tortillas, star-shaped carrots, and edamame. but, uh, she also had a thermos full of nacho cheese sauce for dipping. nacho cheese sauce made from nutritional yeast and pimentos.

'nuff said.

and, yes, yes, inga hearts the vegans, we all have our own choices to make, yadda yadda yadda. i cannot jump on this lady's band wagon that this 'nacho' 'cheese' dip is better than anything she ever tasted - even nacho dips with real cheese. not. buying. it. color me stella-rized.


Blogger Lollie said...

Na'cho cheese dip, not my cheese dip, not anybody's cheese dip. That's just NOT cheese dip. Sorry, that's the way it is.

3:00 PM  

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