07 March 2006

blogging from Tehran

Salon.com has an article today about young Iranian bloggers and the insight that seeing individuals' views can give us outside Iran. (You'll need to sign in with your own account or watch an ad for a day-pass.)

We all know that our government and our media do not accurately represent the feelings of all (or even most) Americans. Why do we, worldwide, so often forget that? One of my saddest thoughts is knowing that my government and the representation of me by my own media paints such an inaccurate picture of my circle of friends around the world and that we will be judged as a whole with the crazy right-wingers, the Christian conservatives, the idiot President, the facist military, the drunk teens on MTV and America's Next Top Model, Girls Gone Wild, and the like. Why wouldn't Iranians fear the same en masse judgement?


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