18 December 2006

surely a sign of all that is to come.

countdown to spain? 10 days to go. and, on the cusp of the trip, alarming news: word on the street is that many companies are lobbying to (gasp) forego the daily siesta for fear of spain falling behind in the business world. no more siesta? no! i mean, seriously - this is one of the best things about spain, the forced napping. aside from the wine, the bread, the cheese, the shoes, and the boys (oh, the spanish amigos!), the forced napping is aces. i mean, can a day be better than this - lounging over cafe au lait, walking around town, stopping for more cafe, seeing some picassos and miros, more cafe, hitting a bar for vino tinto and tapas, having a cafe, participating in siesta, having more cafe, going to dinner at 9 or 10 in the evening, drinking a lot of vino tinto, finally going to bed, and getting up to start all over again?

what's the world coming to?

in fun news, while flipping through the rough guide's spanish phrasebook yesterday, i came across this handy tip.

"public toilets...[are] usually marked damas and caballeros, though you may see the more confusing senoritas (women) and senores (men)."

really? senorita and senores are more confusing than damas and caballeros? interesting.


Blogger Lollie said...

Awesome - I can't nap, so now I can finally go to Spain.

7:25 PM  
Blogger cK said...

If I were you, I'd be terrorizing everyone I knew with "Spain" songs. For example, "Here Comes the Spain Again" or "Spain!" instead of "Fame!"

Have a wonderful trip. Please know your readership is JEALOUS.

12:28 PM  

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