25 November 2006

battle of the cute.

okay, so perhaps this post will provide proof that i really, really, really don't want to grade the stockpile of papers piled on the couch next to me. or will it provide proof that underneath her icy cold, cold scandinavian exterior, inga hearts the kittens? of course, you could just read the post below (thanksgiving thanks) and zero in on number seventeen, but really, would that be as much fun as placing votes on the cutest. cat. ever.?

in the left corner, living happily and cattily in inga's home, we have mitzy. a former stray, she now enjoys life as a pampered indoor cat; her hobbies include torturing rye, napping in patches of sunlight, and snacking on tuna fresh from the can. on the right is ella, also formerly a stray and now enjoying the pampered life as a beloved pet of our friend definer. she knows no fear, enjoys vivian's dog food, and likes to sleep in the crook of one's knees.

let the betting commence.


Blogger cK said...

Wow. The cat on the left seems to have something of a librarian cuteness. The cat on the right is shooting lasers from the eyes.

cK's call: Ella, the cat on the right.

This discussion is OVER.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Lollie said...

Mitzy looks like she'd enjoy a good cheek scrubbing, which I like to do...but Ella's whole bod has a chenille blanket likeness, so I say yay Ella.

9:33 AM  
Blogger cK said...

I believe I just demonstrated an inability to recall left from right.

Well, at least I get it correct in politics.

10:18 AM  
Blogger lynda said...

(gasp) so, cK, is that a vote for the mitz?

11:20 AM  
Blogger lynda said...

(gasp) so, cK, is that a vote for the mitz?

11:20 AM  
Blogger cK said...

I'm voting for the cat with the downturned eyes. It's all very, I don't know, Saint Theresa-like.

Now, if one could consult the past, I'd choose...oh, what was that puffball's name? Jack? That cat with its fur out seemed to have a diameter of a foot or so. I always wondered how skinny it would have been wet. It may have been a chihuahua beneath.

5:34 PM  
Blogger lynda said...

aww, cK! you remember jack, aka jackattack, aka silent scream (in the end, his fierce meow stayed fierce, but silent)...and, yeah, beneath all that fur it seems as though he was likely the size of a pea.

7:24 AM  

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