13 September 2006

ode to the older guy in the first row with the hella big chip on his shoulder.

Beginning sentences, the first day of class, with "I'm not racist, but..." generally lead others to believe (correctly) that you are indeed racist.

The ACLU is a good thing. Really. It's not the cause of all your problems with employment (or lack thereof). You are.

Faulty logic alert: someone from Mexico shouldn't be allowed to work in the U.S., but someone from Poland should be? How does this reasoning work?

I'm not intimidated by the use of foul language. I can talk like a sailor. And trust me, I have. And, yes, I put you in your place with the swearing yesterday; next time, I'll ask you to leave the room. Don't think I won't.

I like technology in my classroom. It's not my problem if you use AOL at home and can't access (so you say) our online technology for class. There are other places you can get online, namely the school where you are taking this class.

Don't roll your eyes and tell me the best prof. you've ever had (and don't think i didn't notice your emphasis five different times that that prof. is a man) didn't use the school's online stuff, but his own "much more complicated web stuff" and it worked just fine for you, so why can't everyone use it? Why? Well, because I like the school's stuff and it works well. The rest of the class has no problem with it.

And when I suggest you use a library or campus computer, and you tell me "well, crap, at what point am I going to have to change my entire life for this freakin' class?" you have essentially lost any desire in me i might have had to try and help you work it out.

i'm a _________ instructor. we teach ________. we're going to do a lot of _____________ in class. you are the one who signed up for a _____________ class. going on and on about how this is your last and final class isn't going to earn you bonus points. it isn't going to excuse you from the work. it isn't going to win you a gold medal. but it might, just might, if you finish this class, get your degree, and go out looking for work, get you one of those jobs you're pissed that the ACLU helped give to a Mexican and not you.


Blogger Definer said...

Definition - Man: pig.

3:35 PM  
Blogger lynda said...

well, not ALL men. just this one in particular! fingers crossed he'll drop, as he 'threatened' to do several times in class!

4:51 PM  
Blogger stella said...

i have to say, i do love the logic that makes some immigrants "better" than others. especially when i have the chance to listen to someone ranting about how the U.S. just needs to close its borders b/c "we" (queue approval-seeking nod) need to take care of our own and when i then get the opportunity to drop the bomb that i'm an immigrant myself. the shocked looks...ahhh. and then when the aftershock that i'm not even a naturalized citizen comes up??!? the humanity!

7:12 AM  

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