14 March 2006

cruising for a bruising

Mark one in the column "Things Stella Didn't Know but Now Is Super Pissed About."

Cruise ships are nearly completely unregulated in what they can dump into our oceans. Here's the one prohibition: they can't dump plastic anywhere.

But that's not much, when you look at this list:
  • As long as they're 3 miles from shore, they can dump untreated sewage.
  • They can dump the waste water from showers, laundries, and galleys (which obviously includes the cleaning chemicals that such water washes away) anywhere other than the Great Lakes.
  • If they're 200 miles from shore, they can dump untreated oily water.
  • There are virtually no regulations for the diesel emissions that these huge-ass ships produce,
  • and they can toss non-plastic garbage out, sometimes as near as 3 miles from shore and sometimes as far (?) as 25 miles from shore.

Regulations, anyone? And some enforcement would be nice too.


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