26 February 2007

oscar reflections the morning after.

also titled: hey, i've got loads of time! let's hurry up and post responses back to stella because why not? inga's not working!

so while i enjoyed the look of sheer surprise on j-hud's face when she won, i have to agree w/ stella that perhaps she was not the one who should have won (I also agree that little abigail shouldn't have won, either, as i cringe at how the acceptance speech might have gone...but then again, she and little jaden rocked when they pressented on the shorts films - and as a short person, i loved their glib response to short people presenting awards for short films. really. tall people? that's not funny. it's just sort of dumb).

and, yeah, i agree that if peter o had won, i'd have likely been super sad about his acceptance, mostly because his eyes scare me. i think he'd rocked the botox as much as nicole has.

i didn't actually love naomi's dress, but rather the idea that she and liev have a little bump on the way, mostly because, well, i love liev. would it be weird to adopt a new kittie and name it my love liev schrieber?

forest whitaker is so awesome. and he sings opera! maybe i didn't enjoy him that much on SNL a few weeks back, but i so love him in interviews. given how horrific idi amin is, ouch, the idea of sitting through the last king of scotland makes me shudder.

reese's bangs still suck. but her dress rocked.

but i have to say, maybe it's just me, but i just don't get the whole leo is so fabulous -looking thing. i thought he looked kind of bloated last night.

and, oh, stella, stella, stella. who do you think jessica biel is sleeping with?


Blogger stella said...

1. it's not so much that leo's so great looking. it's that he seems to have grown into a decent human being who i'd probably like to have a conversation with. BUT i don't mind his looks either; i was never one of the camp that railed against spader for becoming a relatively normal looking adult man.

2. i loved forest whitaker on snl. he committed so fully to those asinine sketches that they worked. he's my pocket-love.

3. it'd only be weird if you called the kitty "my love" for short.

8:44 PM  
Blogger inga said...

1. i do heart me some spader, but mostly because he was a sexy bad boy in all those 80s teen angst films. but leo was never a bad boy!

2. awww, pocket love!

3. word. new kitty is officially going to be my love liev schrieber. unless it's a girl kitty. THAT would be weird.

6:44 AM  

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