17 June 2006

summer in x.

we're melting.

stella and i live in x, a lovely spot in the middle of y. winters are kind of bitchy - you know, lots of cold, lots of bitter wind, lots of snow, lots of high heating bills thanks to the ever rising cost of natural gas. fall in x tends to be pretty nice. we have changing leaves, a crisp smell in the air, and we can wear wool skirts and tights with mary janes til the cows come home. spring? again, not so bad. flowers burst through the soil. birds start to migrate back home. undergrads tromp through campus either (a) shirtless or (b) belly-baring or (c) both. and summer in x? what can i say?

1. the humidity sucks. seriously, we aren't in the deep south, so what gives?
2. the heat itself. ice cubes don't stay whole long enough to cool down a water, a mojito, a glass of sangria, or a bottle of low carb wine.
3. the fact that because we live in x, and no one expects it to be, oh, hot, that central air in most houses (including this lovely 95 year old monstrosity) is but a dream.
4. the kids on the block who believe that partying until 7 am (yes, 7 am. i stumbled out to water the flowers before the heat fell upon us and kids on the block were still going at it. and if you doubt the 7 am, ask stella, whose window was closest to the partying) is a good idea.
5. given the fact that many americans are obese, the amount of skin shown on a daily basis is sickening and cruel for us innocent observers (sure, go ahead, tell me to cover my eyes and not look, but what kind of responsible driver would i be?)

but there are some good things about summer in x, in no particular order.

1. last night at the bar, a wave of cold air engulfing us as we walked through the door.
2. last night at the bar, the beer on tap was super cold. and there's nothing like a super ice cold beer on a hot night. as a matter of fact, i'm even inclined, thinking back to the days yahto lived here, to say there's nothing quite so good on a hot summer night in x as an ice cold can of pbr. true that. argue amongst yourselves.
3. summer dresses. inga rocks the summer dress, if i do say so myself.
4. corn on the cob off the grill.
5. late nights on the porch with friends.

see? inga just about convinced herself x is a fabulous place! must be the quickie sangria she imbibed with stella at lunch - one part chardonnay, one splash grenadine, lots of ice cubes, a handful of freshly cut berries. AND feet in vivian's baby dog pool outback.


Blogger stella said...

From bethnoellewhite:

No one comments on your blog... I thought I'd lay one on you.

Summers in X BLOW. The humidity is out of control, a good mojito is impossible to find, anywhere (and let's not fool ourselves... we can try to make an awesome one at home, but it never really works), and while many places are air conditioned, there's not a lot of outdoor recreation.

I will agree with the whole cold beer on tap in the air conditioned bar blurb. There's nothing like hauling ass into the Add-on and sucking down a cold one while listening to random 70s music and playing nudie photo hunt.

Summer dresses and skirts are also kind of fun too.

If it's any consolation, the summer doesn't last TOO long here. Take solace in that.

4:42 PM  

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