02 June 2006

it never changes

i'm in a bitchy mood, for a few reasons.

first, over the weekend, my brother holden, the one i used to like, made the lesbian insinuation because i dared to go away for a week with family and (gasp) not take a boy with me. the biggest factor for not taking a beau is because we were spending time with the brother we really don't like and seriously, why would i subject someone i like to that? plus i've always kept my personal life personal. my family meets the beaus when it's serious, not when we're just sleeping together.

second, holden and his wife have decided they want to take rye back, thus looming on the horizon i foresee an ugly custody battle for the dog they gave up. don't even get me started on that.

today stella was looking at the measurements of my house and she started laughing. "oh, shit," said she. "where you've signed your name on your mortgage papers it says, in big letters afterwards, 'unmarried individual." we laughed. i mean, it's true. i am unmarried. legally, according to some lawyer friends, i'm considered a spinster. fine, fine, fine. it's not the unmarried that irks me. or the spinster (because really, i make one damn fine spinster).

and just because i own a house (all on my own), support myself (all on my own), am independent, and like being on my own does not mean i'm a lesbian. please. inga like dick.


Blogger Definer said...

Inga like dick?

Inga might want to check "Ape Leader" at Definitions.

7:38 PM  
Blogger stella said...

who is Dick? ; )

12:18 PM  

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