02 June 2006

tautology, june 2 edition

the other day, inga's mom, inga, and i were driving past a farm affiliated with the murder of an heiress in the 1970s when ena mentioned that there'd been a true-crime book written about said murder. she compared it to in cold blood in that she'd read both long ago and didn't anticipate re-reading either. of course, i had been in the backseat not really listening (still procrastinating the writing of a review for my alma mater's literary journal), so i ask my most common question: "what?"

inga explains, calmly and sincerely, that ena had said that whatever-the-title-was was exactly like in cold blood. except, she elucidates, it wasn't written by truman capote, and it wasn't a true literary masterpiece.

one of the reasons we love inga? she tosses around phrases like "true literary masterpiece" with a straight face.


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