30 June 2006

dinner tonight.

so stella & dev oversaw a week long summer camp at our uni this week. they spent way too much time with teenagers and had to (horrors of all horrors) sleep in the dorms with the kids. suffice to say, they've been a wee bit slap happy this week. camp ended this afternoon, so stella is home for the first time in almost a week. to say she's happy and excited about sleeping in her own bed is like saying the sky, on a sunny day, is blue.

dev fell asleep as soon as he got back from camp. stella did, too, til dinnertime. she woke up starving and sick of dorm food, so she suggested we go to dinner at giovanni's. it's what passes for upscale here in x. and since we've just been paid and since stella is way too tired to drive to y for sushi, giovanni's seemed like a good idea.

or not. midway through dinner we both realized why we actually hate giovanni's. here's the short list:

our plump perky waitress. too, too, too fake, too, too, too smiley. stella and i, wisely, decide to split an entree. then i say 'oh, i'll have a glass of the blah blah pinot noir.'

'i'll have the same,' stella chimes in.

'oh, great,' perky mcperkystein says. 'two glasses?' gee. no. we'd like a couple of straws so we can share a glass of pinot noir.

meanwhile, up at the bar sits a relatively hip looking older couple. they're all trendy in their dress, she's got on nice jewelry, he's got good hair. the hostess comes up to seat them. they pick up their drinks. now, if i was a betting woman, i'd have guess a martini, dry, for him. a nice zinfandel or cabernet for her.

wrong. he carried a fruity umbrella concoction in a decidedly pastel color. i did guess partly right for her, though. it was zinfandel. unfortch, it was white zin.

and, finally, the food. to top it all off, our entree sucked. the sauce was so heavy it was like pudding. the asparagus was overcooked. and the garlic mashed potatoes? sadly, no garlic.

as stella and i left, running to escape the cheerful adieus of our waitress, we paused outside the door to shake hands and agree to never, ever, ever eat at giovanni's again.

at least until the next time we forget how god awful it really is.


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