26 June 2006

a new kind of love.

so yesterday oonagh had a great idea. she's sad, you know, because her beau has gone away. we spent the weekend making merry ~ drinking good wine, seeing a fun band (her brother's), eating crappy tapas, hanging out with friends. but oonagh was still sad. understandably. but then she had an idea, something so crazy, so insane, so outrageous, i realized that even though i had never partaken of said pleasure, it was the only thing that was going to make oonagh feel better.

and as her best friend, who was i to decline a friend such a request? it would have been plain rude. plus she offered to take care of it.

so, yes. oonagh and i did it together.

we got pedicures.

ohmygod. pedicures rock. how have i made it this long in life without ever having one? i mean, sure, in many ways it's a completely bizarre and weird ritual. you sit on a cushioned chair. you stick your feet in hot, swirling water. someone cuts, clips, buffs, shines, essentially pretties up your feet, paints your nails, voila. that's it.

and your feet look like heaven.

my toes have never been more beautiful, my feet never smoother.

my name is inga. i'm addicted to pedicures.



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