04 March 2006

the problem with dogwalking

Stella & I both work at a public you-know-what in the such-and-such. We've both had amazingly awe-inspiring weeks lately. Stella's "the directions aren't clear" student was really just the tip of the iceberg. In the past two weeks, I've dealt with, among other things,
  • students complaining about the work load in a 300-level writing course
  • student complaining about her classmates being able to read her work - in a 300-level workshop for creative writing
  • students coming in for assistance for a senior capstone project in a technology-like field, a project that requires 45 sources, and not really caring one way or another if their work is good
  • the realization that the study published earlier this week that stated less than half of all high school students who have taken the ACT are prepared for the level of writing/reading expected of them in college is TRUE - sadly, amazingly, awe-inspiringly true
But don't I digress from the kinds of things you really want to know? For instance:

I saw Henri the Slovakian today. He was, as always, charming and delightful. I met his new dog, he met my new dog, and as we and our dogs parted, I couldn't but help wonder why I was so stupid and did not embark on a torrid affair with him when the opportunity arose. Stella likes to remind me that it's because he has a girlfriend (and even his European-style eye glasses and the accent don't excuse that), the girlfriend lives with him, and after graduate school, no one can use the excuse of "oops" in response to sleeping with someone who is living with his girlfriend. I might have been that girl in graduate school. I don't have to be that girl in my real life. But still. The accent kills me. I think it's good I have a new telephone number these days. Besides, Stella must remind herself (or I suppose I can do it right here) that she has a boyfriend. No wonder she doesn't want me sleeping with someone else's boyfriend.

But it was a lovely day for dog walking. I think we broke 40 and it was sunny and the sky was blue. Seriously, Stella would be lying if she can't acquiese that these things combined make Henri look pretty good. And if you can't take a nice dog walk now and again and run into a former beau, a flame who has always paid you the compliments and batted the eyes at you and can't, for one fleeting moment, feel a bit of regret? Well, then, what's the point?


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